What is Lamisil Antifungal Treatment?

This is a review for Lamisil Antifungal Treatment to serve a means for information on this product. The manufacturer claims that this product is able to cure athlete’s foot and fungal conditions within a week or less. They also state it relieves symptoms while also stopping the fungus that causes athlete’s foot. Continue reading to learn more.


This product contains the following active/inactive ingredients to help treat fungal infections:

  • Terbinafine hydrochloride
  • Colloidal silicon dioxide NF
  • Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose USP
  • Magnesium stearate NF
  • Microcrystalline cellulose NF
  • Sodium starch glycolate NF


This product comes in the form of a cream and should be used as instructed. You should apply cream to the affected area in the morning when your feet are dry and clean. After you take a shower is the best time to apply this cream to your feet.


The price range for this product varies from one retail outlet to another ranging from approximately $13.99 to $17.49. You can also purchase this product via online retail outlets at a discount.

What to Expect

When I used this product for about 2 weeks I noticed significant change in my nail fungus. It took longer than I had originally expected it to but there were some positive results. Many customer reviewers stated that they were able to achieve their optimum results within about 1-2 weeks.

Keep an Eye Out

There are no documented side effects to using this antifungal cream. There is a caution that states that you should stop using the product if the irritation becomes worse or if the fungal infection does not go away within a month. If you notice any type of inflammation or additional irritation you must stop using this immediately and consult your doctor.

Manufacturer’s Commitment

This product is traditionally sold in drug stores, pharmacies, and supermarkets. Return policies will be based on the policy of that specific store. Many of these outlets do accept returns but not on opened materials. Contact the store in which you purchased the product to find out about their return policies and money back guarantees.

The Bottom Line

Lamisil Antifungal Treatment is proven to be fairly effective when it comes to taking care of fungus on the feet. This product can be easily obtained from various drug stores and supermarkets which makes it easy for consumers to make a decision on the product. This product is also fairly low in cost so it might be one of the first items a customer picks up at a store. There are also no prominent side effects to using this antifungal cream.

There was no information to be found regarding a personal guarantee or refund policy. This will depend on which store the product was purchased from. Make sure you are aware of these policies before you make a purchase. Compared to other products, the optimal healing time took longer after two weeks of repeat use of the product.

Do you want to find an effective Nail Fungus treatment? Check out our top rated Nail Fungus products